Have you or a loved one been affected by stroke?
Let our experienced and caring staff help you
take the first step towards change.
Schedule your free assessment
It is a Free Assessment!
Toronto’s Advanced Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy
What is a Stroke?
Stroke is defined as the sudden death of brain cells due to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the brain. Reduced blood flow to the brain tissue can occur from either a blockage such as a blood clot or bleeding due to a tear in a vessel supplying the tissue. Depending on the part of the brain affected, the symptoms of stroke can differ from person to person. NIb3 can offer the best personalized rehabilitation programs to help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.
Stroke is a medical emergency. If you think you may be experiencing a stroke, immediately call 911. The quicker you respond and get treatment, the higher your chances are of survival and recovery.

After experiencing a stroke, there are a variety of symptoms and deficits one can experience such as paralysis or motor impairment, changes in vision, and speech impairments (aphasia). Attending rehabilitation post-stroke can help you to regain movement function, independence, and improved quality of life.
At NIb3, we work with everyone on an individual basis and create a non-invasive and personalized treatment plan. You are the key when it comes to stroke rehabilitation and understanding what works for you, is what we do best!
How are we different?
Our Post-Institutional Stroke Rehabilitation Program has proven to be successful with reducing post-stroke symptoms, even years after you have suffered from a stroke.
We use functional interventions like sound, vision, coordination and movement therapies, neuropsychological rehabilitation techniques, and brain-based nutrition. Biofeedback and advanced neurofeedback modalities are a major component of our effective Stroke Rehabilitation Program.
At NIb3 we recover and normalize activity of the damaged areas of the brain and promote restoration of communication between the affected areas and the healthy ones. This maximizes the functionality of your nervous system.
Our program begins with a comprehensive assessment which includes:
- Quantitative EEG Brain Mapping
- Vestibular System Evaluation and Assessment of Eye Movement (Videonystagomography- VNG)
- Evaluation of the balance of your Autonomic System’s Functionality
- Full Neurological and Orthopaedic Examination
- Analysis of your Neuro-Sensory Integration and Timing
- Assessment of your nutritional/metabolic state.
Shortly after the assessment is complete, an intensive, personalized rehabilitation program will be launched, pushing the brain to the top of its recovery abilities.
Call us today at 844.713.6423 to schedule your FREE Consultation..
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I was initially reluctant to try biofeedback. After trying a few rounds of traditional therapy with very little improvement I was referred to Shai. My situation was somewhat experimental and uncharted water for both Shai and myself. I was impressed by the amount of time Shai invested learning about my condition and developing a targeted treatment plan. His concern and eagerness to find a solution were genuine and obvious.
39-year-old male. Richmond Hill, Ontario